As you all know by now, I attempt to provide information you wouldn’t normally receive in your typical screenwriting class, screenwriting workshop or screenwriting course.
I ask the above question for obvious reasons. We want to challenge ourselves to always be better, and there’s no more successful way than reading great movie scripts and seeing what they’re doing right. We don’t measure ourselves against all the horrible screenplays out there, we measure ourselves against the very best and never settle for mediocrity.
Let’s take a look again at THE PROPOSAL, written by Pete Chiarelli. It’s one of the better rom cons, loaded with high energy writing, scenes that consistently surprise us and reveal interesting characters with strong through lines.
In this scene, Margaret is played by Sandra Bullock, Richard is played by Ryan Reynolds. The scene crackles with electricity:
Margaret and Richard enter Bob’s office, which is decorated with beautiful antiques and first edition books. But unlike
Margaret’s office, this one isn’t in the corner. Margaret nods at Richard to shut the door. BOB (42) wears a prim bow tie, circular tortoise shell glasses, and the air of superiority.
Hey, Bob.
Ah. Our fearless leader and her liege.
Margaret smiles.
I’m lettin’ you go, Bob.
You’re fired.
What? What are you talking about?
This isn’t working out.
You can’t…
I asked you repeatedly to get Frank to do
publicity. You said it was impossible.
It is. He doesn’t do publicity.
I just talked to him. He’s in.
No more buts, Bob. I’ve been chief for a
month and a half, and this is the third time
you’ve dropped the ball. You didn’t even
call to ask him. Now I’ll give you two months to
find a new job, and then you can say you resigned. I won’t tell a soul, my lips are sealed.
Margaret nods at Richard and he opens the door.
Margaret and Richard walk a few steps. Margaret looks straight
ahead and whispers to Richard.
What’s he doing?
Richard turns around and takes a peek. Bob gets out of his chair and comes to his door.
He’s up and about to pop.
Oh Bob, don’t do it…
The office stops. This is going to be good. Margaret turns around with a disappointed look on her face. She’s deadly calm.
What are you doing? I gave you a civilized way out of this.
This is because I’m your competition. Because I threaten you!
Oh, Bob. You could never threaten me. I’m firing you because you’re lazy, entitled and
incompetent. I’m firing you because you don’t work hard. So if you know what’s good for you, you’ll shut up, take off that
ridiculous bow tie, find a bar and get drunk. Because if you say one more word,
Richard here is going to call security and have you thrown out on your ass. Are we perfectly clear?
Bob nods.
MARGARET (cont’d)
Good. Now I’ve got work to do…
Margaret and Richard walk away and speak in hushed tones.
MARGARET (cont’d)
We need to call his authors and explain what happened. And get Frank’s publicity schedule figured out pronto.
No problem. I’ll just cancel my trip this weekend.
I gave you the weekend off?
It was my Grandma’s ninetieth birthday. But no big deal. You were right before, I need to stay focused. Professional.
Strong conflict is what makes this scene play so well and the steely revelation of Margaret’s character. This is a woman who will go to any lengths to get what she wants.
This scene reveals that determination, but she is not cold hearted and gives Bob a graceful way out which he refuses to take, until he faces the reality of who his new boss really is. Then he finally backs down.
The screenwriter does a great job of revealing Margaret’s ballsy attitude without making us dislike her. We admire her toughness. And of course it doesn’t hurt that she has a sense of humor and a sharp wit. That will practically redeem any character. Now that I’m thinking about this, the character Sandra Bullock plays here is really not that dissimilar to the character she plays in THE BLIND SIDE, is it?
Also notice the playfulness between Richard and Margaret. This will eventually blossom into a full blown love affair.
We’ll take a look at another scene from The Proposal next week.
Until then – KEEP WRITING!